Being Present in the Now – a little book on neuroscience and the biology of stress




I have written this book for any of you who are interested in understanding how early life experiences can impact health and wellbeing across a lifespan. It’s written through the eyes of an imaginary adolescent called Jamie who is in the process of working out what it means to be him in the context of multiple relationships and aspirations including how he fits into his family and community, finding a partner and rearing healthy children. I have worked as a GP for for more than 30 years and held an interest in the impact of trauma and adversity on lifelong health and wellbeing since medical school. Though the opinions in this book are mine, I have accessed research from internationally well regarded institutions and people such as Center on the Developing Child (Harvard University), The Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (Canada), Professor Dan Siegel (Mindsight Institute), Professor John Gottman (Gottman Institute), Dr David Eagleman (neuroscientist) and Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett (neuroscientist). You will find a summary of contents and a glossary near the beginning of the book and a list of references at the end.

Emotions and feelings help us make sense of what’s happening inside our bodies in relation to what’s happening around us in the world. Pausing and being present in the moment influences the brain’s predicting process and can change how we feel. When we change how we feel we can change what we do.

Those of you who are neurodivergent are likely to find understanding the biology of stress and relationships especially helpful.

This book is awaiting final illustrations before going to print.


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